Extreme Torture Videos - BDSM Torture Porn - Anal BDSM, Bondage


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Young Darina was lured in for a casting shoot, but when she finally got in front of the camera, she had been locked in metal stocks and her bra had been pulled down to reveal her natural soft udders. This was some strange casting!! A few moments later, a guy dressed like a farmer attached a strange device to her waist and nipples. It was a breast pump! Darina did not understand. She wasn�t lactating, she did not even have kids! The machine was turned up gradually, higher and higher, until her nipples were sucked into the cups very far. It just kept pumping and pumping, it hurt a little. They had said the casting would be for several scenes on multiple days� Darina was afraid what was in store for her next� could it get worse?

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:04
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11677kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 439.7 MB

Download Darina � very strange casting


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Stripper girl Mandy is tall and slender. She looks fragile, but there is no reason she can not be trained as a good HuCow. After her initial shock of being breast pumped, she was moved to the barn and chained to the wall. Amazingly, she appeared to settle in quite well, lying down in the straw after a few minutes already. Promising! But Mandy would get no rest, she was shackled to the milking frame and subjected to the red cow milker! It was on an average setting, not too high, but the sheer weight of the cow milker cups was almost too much for the slender Mandy. Her udders were stretched and her nipples were sucked into the cups. She moaned in discomfort, but milking must go on. She will get used to it, eventually.

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:42
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11694kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 495.5 MB

Download Mandy arrived at the barn


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

When I saw Mandy perform in a club, I really had to add her to my stables! She is tall and blonde, with endless legs and a great body. But she�s also very arrogant, which made me feel like teaching her a lesson. It was easy to book her for a private dance in my location, and Mandy was still as tall and arrogant as ever. But that soon changed, when she got cuffed to a waist belt, collared, and ankle cuffed. The double breast pump was strapped to her perky boobs and the dancing was over. Mandy�s ordeal has started, I have big plans for her!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:27
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11700kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 474.2 MB

Download Mandy � captured stripper girl


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

We thought it would be hard to build the biggest Hucow stable in the world. It turns out to be a lot easier than expected! Women just report themselves at the barn now! Unbelievable but true. There must be a deep hidden desire in most women to be milked and this feeling can�t be suppressed when they discover this website! Sabrina is a slightly older Hucow, big boobs and an even bigger desire to be kept in the barn to be milked. Her sole purpose is to live as a Hucow. Straight onto the red cow milker she goes!

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:31
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11699kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 567.4 MB

Download Introducing Sabrina


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

We did not mess around with new girl Roxy! Stripped of all her clothes, straight onto the milking frame in the barn, hooked the red cow milker onto her udders and go! A bit of a shock, really. But we couldn�t help ourselves, Roxy has got very beautiful natural udders. One of them is pierced, but that actually helps to get the milking cup on more centered! Roxy couldn�t believe what was happening to her, it will all settle in later. Her training started rough, but she will be a perfect docile HuCow, just give her some time!

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:18
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11687kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 547.4 MB

Download New HuCow Roxy


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Poor Maggy! Her udders are so big, she feels the pressure and tension all day. When she saw this website, she immediately volunteered to be in the Hucows herd. She wants to be milked on a regular basis, so the weight of her enormous udders will be bearable for at least a few hours again. She needs help. We took her in and used heavy chains to help support her udders. Maggy was relieved to be with us, and she started to prepare for her first milking straight away. She used lots of baby oil to get her udders and nipples supple and in good shape for milking. What machine should we use on her? We probably need lots of power and speed for this new hucow!

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:07
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11689kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 531.9 MB

Download Maggy wanted to join the herd


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

We did not hook Vina to the Red cow milker yet! The most powerful machine has been waiting for the young docile HuCow for some time, but today she can no longer avoid it: it is time for the red milking machine! Tiny 19-year old Vina is locked to the milking frame, waiting for whatever is going to happen. It�s hard to read her emotions, but we know she has already become addicted to the sessions and soon she will not need any bondage. For now, we will just focus on the milking, and it will be extreme! Not just the high power of the red cow milker, but we will also turn up the speed to a very high setting. To stop any potential protesting, we gagged our promising HuCow with a big ring gag. Vina is one of our most prized possessions, her udders have grown so much since the start, we will keep training her until she her transformation is complete.

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:52
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11704kbps
Audio: 186kbps

File size: 772.3 MB

Download Vina � extreme speed


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Katie is so proud to be owned by us! She feels right at home in our stables and she is very confident and well trained. No talking, no upright walking, Katie knows how to behave like a real HuCow! She will go in her cage when told, and she is now completely used her new heavy cow bell. Katie knows that she needs to treat her big udders well, so she will walk over to her water bowl (on all fours) to get the massage oil to make her boobs and nipples perfectly lubricated and shiny. It helps in the milking process, to prevent dry skin and other problems. Well done, Katie! We are proud too!

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:24
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11697kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 470.3 MB

Download Katie � proud cow


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Poor Alais! This posh UK hucow is just too curious! She wandered into the stables again, and she found our milking frame. She was intrigued by the heavy shackles, but quickly said �oh no, not for me!�, remembering her painful sessions from before. For some reason, Alais always gets exhausted from milking, even more than any of our other girls. Maybe she is out of shape and she just needs more training. We tried to find out by capturing her, locking her to the frame and milking her with the vicious goat milker. And then turning the milker up to high speed! Alais was furious! But she was too tired to talk, her big udders being relentlessly milked by the machine. Great session!

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:08
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11703kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 708.0 MB

Download Alais � high speed milking


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Vina, our young resident HuCow, has shown some tremendous development because of her regular milking sessions. Her boobs have grown considerably. Maybe some sexual stimulation will help to release the right kind of hormones that will make her start to produce milk? We hooked her up to the powerful red cow milker again, but this time she was fucked from behind by a fucking machine during the entire session. Very deep and quite fast. The result was amazing: she couldn�t hide her arousal as her skin started to flush from the fucking machine, and this flushing left COWlike patterns! Is young Vina really turning into a HuCow? This is incredible, you will have to watch the video to see this for yourself!

Format: mp4
Duration: 7:46
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11699kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 676.5 MB

Download Vina � amazing result


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Young Tammy! Such a gorgeous little HuCow, whose curiosity got her a permanent spot in our herd. She is so cute, but also very feisty (still). She does not want to be milked, it hurts her soft nipples too much. We will train her and make her more docile and addicted to milking sessions, but HuCows like Tammy take a little longer to be tamed. It�s only her second time on the milking frame and we are going for the red cow milker already! Tammy is strong, she even lifts herself off the floor, and she lifts the entire heavy milking claw with just her udders! It doesn�t help of course, the vacuum is much too strong. Poor Tammy, will she ever get used to this life?

Format: mp4
Duration: 7:35
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11692kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 659.4 MB

Download Tammy � spirited


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Maggy is our most promising HuCow. Her udders are the largest of our herd, and by far the heaviest. They have very good veins and they are always full. We just need to get her flow going! Let�s try the goat milker this time. It�s a bit vicious, because the see through cups can have a bit of a sting, but Maggy is getting used to being milked. She still moans a lot, but little smiles are starting to break through, as if she is thankful someone finally is milking her to relieve the pressure in her gigantic udders. Let�s keep milking her every day and hope for the best!

Format: mp4
Duration: 5:34
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11698kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 485.4 MB

Download Maggy earned her bell


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Most of our cows are not producing yet, so we have been looking into ways of speeding up the process by extra stimulation. Some members suggested that horniness might increase hormone flow and therefore could have a positive effect on production. Our German cow Angelica is the first test subject for this theory. We locked her to a milking frame on all fours, and installed a fucking machine behind her. This way we can control the speed of the fucking machine as well as the milking machine, stimulating her from both sides. Hooked to the vicious goat milker and gagged, Angelica produced a few interesting moans (complaining? enjoying?) as the speed of the fucking machine was turned up. Let�s hope this works!

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:21
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11711kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 728.1 MB

Download Angelica � extra stimulation


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

We were so happy to be able to move Katie to the barn! She is now at home, where she belongs! Katie is our number 1 HuCow, judging by member response, so we will show her more often, in her routine milking sessions. Katie is completely used to being hooked to the machines now. She does not complain, and she would even do it herself, but we have received the request for more bondage, so we cuffed and gagged her anyway. Just feeling the weight of her udders is very impressive. They are seriously heavy! She will need more sessions! Always more� it will never stop.

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:50
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11694kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 594.9 MB

Download Katie � kneeling frame


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Of course, our resident prize cow Katie has to get used to the new powerful red cow milker too! It will be her primary milking machine for some time to come, and we need to know that she will be able to deal with it. The perfectly trained Katie has now earned her own bell, but it is a solid brass bell (very heavy) and it is very loud. She sometimes scares herself with the sound of her bell. Training HuCows is a long process, you have to repeat things a lot and make them docile and willing is not easy. But with Katie, we are making real good progress! She lubricates her own boobs, and places the cups on her own nipples. Next time we will use a milking frame again though, because she needs longer and faster milking sessions!

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:55
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11699kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 602.6 MB

Download Katie � the red cow milker


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Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Let�s try this newly constructed kneeling frame. With her arms high up behind her back and her neck chained, Katie has to lean forward, letting her massive udders swing freely. A perfect position for some time on the goat milker. We started at a slow milking pulsation rate, but soon we turned up the speed to torture Katie�s nipples a bit more. Don�t worry, Katie can handle it, she is our veteran HuCow. Katie is gorgeous when she looks into the camera with those big sad eyes. She is probably wondering when she will get less popular on this website, so she won�t get picked as often for sessions. No chance� it�s her own fault for having those perfect heavy udders, they just need to milked hard and often!

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:18
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11695kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 548.3 MB

Download Katie � more time on the goat milker


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Genres: BDSM,string,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

How did Maggy�s udders get so enormous?! They are incredibly huge, maybe even the biggest in the stables right now. Her back must be catching her! We are here to help. For Maggy, these sessions couldn�t come too soon, she needs to be induced and get some milk out of her to reduce the weight! Hanging down from the milking frame, we can properly see how big and heavy these udders are. Time to hook the red cow milker onto her and start pumping! We even turned it up above the usual strength, as these udders are going to need a lot of power. Look at Maggy�s smile! You can see this is what she has been looking for all this time!

Format: mp4
Duration: 6:14
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11695kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 543.4 MB

Download Maggy � long overdue


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Genres: BDSM,string,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Sam is one of our best trained HuCows. She never appeared on camera before, but she has developed into a stunning specimen, with big natural udders and a full understanding of the HuCow life. She is simply spectacular. Sam has become known at the barn as a �woman to all young hucows�. Because she knows what they have to go through and how much training and sessions it will take for them to fully develop. Young Izzy isn�t experienced at all, and she didn�t want to continue her training after her first session, but Sam convinced (commanded) her to keep training. It�s the red cow milker today again for Izzy, and Sam will do the honours. Don�t miss it!

Format: mp4
Duration: 7:08
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 11702kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 621.8 MB

Download Izzy � milked by Sam


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Release Year: 2019
Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

I fasten Syren in for a repeat scene with electricity and the scary chair. We had ideas for things to improve on from the first time, and we had fun, so why not? I fasten her in, and calibrate for two pairs of contact pads on a TENS unit. One pair is the larger muscles of her butt, and the other is across�

Format: mp4
Duration: 7:53
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 7886kbps
Audio: 109kbps

File size: 462.3 MB

Download It wasn�t as bad as I expected on my butthole


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Release Year: 2019
Genres: BDSM,Rope,Bondage,torture
Video language: English

Camera people mean less spontaneity, less playing just when you wanna play. Instead I set up several cameras, point them at where we�re going to be playing from different angles, and hope some of it works out. Sometimes it works out too well. While I was editing this I was agonizing over which couple shots to focus on most and when to cut back and forth. When I�m struggling with decisions like that, what I try to focus on is what would *I* like to jerk off to later. So, you get four camera angles mooshed together. None of them is reduced to less than 80%, I just arranged Very Carefully.

I fasten Jami into place for awfulness to happen, using shock cord wrapped very tightly around her tits, then ziptied off to a cross piece. She really, really can�t move. This is us setting that up, and her reacting to how much compression it is and how much she can�t move.

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:03
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 7843kbps
Audio: 121kbps

File size: 470.1 MB

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