Title: Reyna St Clair,Stevie Rose - Thumb Preview Campus Rules- Jiggle University PT1
Description: Stevie and Reyna report to the professor's office to learn Campus rules the hard way. Bent over chairs placed side by side, each girl has a view of the others bottom as their spankings begin. Scolded for flaunting their bodies in sheer tops with no bra's, humiliated when the professor insists on punishing them topless. Breasts bared as he lays into their tender backsides with a thick leather strap. Both girls protest and talk back as they are punished as their shorts are lowered. Painful licks of the strap fall on panty covered bottoms before they are both bared for the big school paddle! STEVIE ROSE, REYNA ST CLAIR, SCHOOL SPANKING, BARE BOTTOM PADDLING, STRAPPING, TOPLESS, BARE BOTTOM, BUBBLE BUTTS
Format: MP4
Duration: 15 Min
Size: 704 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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Description: Stevie and Reyna report to the professor's office to learn Campus rules the hard way. Bent over chairs placed side by side, each girl has a view of the others bottom as their spankings begin. Scolded for flaunting their bodies in sheer tops with no bra's, humiliated when the professor insists on punishing them topless. Breasts bared as he lays into their tender backsides with a thick leather strap. Both girls protest and talk back as they are punished as their shorts are lowered. Painful licks of the strap fall on panty covered bottoms before they are both bared for the big school paddle! STEVIE ROSE, REYNA ST CLAIR, SCHOOL SPANKING, BARE BOTTOM PADDLING, STRAPPING, TOPLESS, BARE BOTTOM, BUBBLE BUTTS
Format: MP4
Duration: 15 Min
Size: 704 Mb
Resolution: 1920x1080
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