Elder Campbell - Initiation | Exclusive Gay Content | Adult Gay Videos
Elder Campbell stood before the handsome President Lee, completely naked save for the ceremonial shield he was given. Despite the increasingly frequent occurrence of nudity around his priesthood leaders, he was still nervous and a little embarrassed. After having been fucked and inseminated by Bishop Hart, the chiseled priest informed him of the plans the Brethren has for his place in the Order. Elder Campbell satisfied him and now he must learn to satisfy others. But before he can proceed, he must be ritually anointed and cleansed. Read moreThe idea of spiritual cleansing wasn't strange. It was something very common in the church. But the idea of being blessed in order to be of sexual service to the men of the priesthood was something else entirely. Nevertheless, Elder Campbell liked knowing he was of some value to the powerful men of the church and that he could have a place in their secret organization. .As such, he stood still as a statue, trying not to move a muscle out of place while the strange ritual was performed. President Lee was a tan, square jawed man with strong, soft hands. His clothes clung to him in a way that resembled an action figure-tightly wrapped around clearly defined muscles, seeming to strain wherever a bulge would appear. Elder Campbell tried his best to observe him as he moved around his body, coating different parts with ceremonial oil, studying the man's face and taking in his good looks. Many times he didn't want to reveal his curiosity or break from his obedience, and he'd only allow his eyes to move to get a better look. He'd never seen President Lee before. Never even spoken with him. And for that reason especially it was strange to have him touching him all over. His hands moved freely beneath his veil as if he was touching other, less private areas. His fingers anointed his chest, his stomach, the small of his back, even trailing along his buttocks and genitals. It felt good. And it was making his body respond in ways he didn't want it to. Even though he knew the Order was behind this interaction, he couldn't yet shake off the shame and embarrassment of being erect in front of another man, especially a handsome older stranger of authority. It was not only wrong, it implicated him and his desires. Were the situation different, he might even be in trouble. Instead, President Lee continued about his activity, only seeming to notice his massive, swollen hard on when it came time to anoint his genitals. It was that moment where Elder Campbell's face flushed. It seemed as if all the freckles on his body grew in size and turned him a deeper shade of pink. He had to remind himself that this was the new normal, that men were going to touch him freely and that was expected. Every bit of his devout Mormon training kicked in to say "stop" and "no," but for once he was given permission to silent those instincts and give in. President Lee, too, seemed to let go of his formal procedure, letting his hands linger wherever they went, caressing him and coveting him and not just anointing. His well mannered behavior broke completely when he brought his face down to meet Campbell's bare chest, kissing his smooth, spotted skin and licking his nipples. Elder Campbell let out a breath, as if the contact unlocked a part of his lungs that had been holding on tightly in nervous tension. His heart raced and he felt his cock swell larger. Kneeling down, Lee took the boy's genitals in his hands by the root, stroking his shaft and feeling the fullness of his testicles. He studied it for a moment, seemingly impressed that someone so young could have such a beautiful piece. He then split his lips apart and took him into his mouth, resting his member on his tongue and letting it slide to the back of throat. It was just a moment of pleasure, but for Elder Campbell, it was an intense of explosion of sensations. His manhood hadn't been handled like that many times, and it still had the novelty of being new. President Lee was happy to see the boy react so intensely, but this was not his focus. He took the boy's cock out of his mouth and guided him to sit on a nearby stool. Once seated, he pulled the boy forward, having him sit on his tailbone and pushing his ass forward. He licked the shaft of the boy a few more times before placing a finger between his supple cheeks. President Lee watched as the boy squirmed and fidgeted on the end of his finger, feeling his hole break for its presence and be tickled as it moved up his perineum to the base of his balls. He curled his finger back and forth as if he was petting a cat, and likewise, Elder Campbell was practically purring with pleasure. "Do you like that," President Lee spoke up, addressing Campbell directly for the time since he was brought into the private chamber. "Does that feel good?" "Yes," the boy said breathlessly, distracted by the feeling of his hole being toyed with. He'd never thought of his ass as having so much sensitivity before he was introduced to the Order, but now he was starting to think of it as his primary sex organ. "Do you want me to touch you more?" ".Yes." President Lee took his strong hands and ran them over Elder Campbell's chest and down to his crotch, feeling his soft body heat up with erotic energy. Elder Campbell was all his, and he knew it. The older man stood up and began to remove his clothes, stripping off each of his perfectly pressed white clothes. Campbell looked on intently, his mouth open and salivating at the sight of the muscle daddy. Soon, Lee was down to nothing but his tight garments, a semi-sheer covering that only seemed to accentuate his perfectly tan body and rippling muscles. Stepping toward the boy's gaping mouth, he placed his hand behind the boy's auburn head and pressed him firmly into his crotch. Elder Campbell could feel the hard shaft of his concealed penis pressed against his cheekbone. It was so tightly in place he wondered if it would leave a mark. It smelled strong of a man, filling his mouth and lungs with a heady musk of a stronger, breeding man's cock. President Lee took off his garment shirt, revealing his perfectly sculpted body before pulling down his waistband. As the sheer white fabric revealed the man's cock, Elder Campbell's mouth filled with saliva, reading itself to get to work. Taking only a moment to see the thick shaft being exposed in front of him, Campbell opened his mouth and took the girthy piece onto his tongue and tasted its stiff flesh. He tried his best to take it all, feeling his jaw strain and shake to take it all. It felt amazing and tasted even better, but he could feel the limits of his mouth in trying to suck it all. "You like that, don't you," President Lee asked. Taking the cock out of his mouth and catching his breath from the impassioned sucking, Campbell responded, "Yes." Smiling and watching the boy work diligently to get him hard and wet, President Lee waited a moment before continuing. "Turn around." Elder Campbell got on all fours, facing the stool he'd sat on and positioned his butt in the air. His soft, smooth, round ass pointed up at President Lee, giving the older man a chance to see just what he'd been toying with earlier. His hand went down and caressed his hole, running the side of his finger against and feeling it pulse and heat up on his touch. He wet his thumb with his tongue and pressed it on its center as he stroked his well prepped cock. Sensing the boy's hunger and desperation, he kneeled himself closer to him, bringing his hips to meet the horny boy's. He pressed his cock up to his hole, teasing it by smacking it gently and giving his sphincter a feeling for the full weight and force of his member. Elder Campbell clenched his hole in response, giving the older man the view of his perfect, smooth pucker tighten and relax over and over. With that, President Lee knew he couldn't want any longer. He took his thick cock in his hand and pushed the pointed head of his cock directly into the deep crevasse of the boy's butt. With a gentle thrust, he felt the hold yield to him, opening up and taking him inside. Elder Campbell once again was reduced to a staccato rhythm of short, measured breaths as he relaxed his muscles to take all of him inside. Nothing quite felt like being penetrated by the cock of a handsome older man, and deep down he knew nothing else ever would. With his mind focused on opening and receiving, Campbell steadied himself as his butt was filled deeper and deeper. Read less
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