Elder Land - The Sacrament | Exclusive Gay Content | Adult Gay Videos
Elder Land liked being a member of the Order. He liked being a part of something the other missionaries were not. It was a secret that was only shared with a small few. A secret he didn't even know who else knew. It gave him a bit of excitement whenever he was around other men and other boys in the church. He knew any of them could be members as well, and potentially destined to use his hole. When he was called to the temple again, he expected to more of what he'd experienced during his induction. He was surprised when he made his way into the private room to find things were slightly different. Read moreThe room was dark, save for a handful of lit candles placed here and there. A leather covered table was placed in the middle of the room. The leather was a deep, crimson red, almost the color of blood, which made the piece feel more like a sacrificial altar. Standing beside was a tall, lean man wearing a long-beaked mask. All Elder Land could see of him was his firmly pressed lips and eyes piercing at him from behind the disguise. He gestured for Land to walk toward him and the confused boy obeyed. While it seemed strange, Elder Land had learned to be completely obedient and to give up his body to the men of the Order. This was no exception. President Olsen loved the secrecy and ceremony of the Order and delighted in enjoying new inductees' willing and trusting bodies. He knew Elder Land had no idea who he was, and that excited him even more. Many times he's seen the boy in temple and around the church, and now he could taste him and touch him without ever having to tell Land who he was. Olsen's hands were quick to run down Land's body, fondling his chest, tugging his shirt out from his belted waist band to get less obstructed access to his bare chest. The boy's smooth flesh gave Olsen the feeling of someone young and impressionable, while his developed and defined muscles proved that he was becoming a man day by day. Just how he likes them. Elder Land stood upright, trying to maintain his composure. The challenge came when President Olsen pinches and teased his nipples, sending pulses of pain and pleasure throughout his body, causing his knees to weaken with each tiny twist. President Olsen was a tall man, standing nearly a full foot over most of the young missionaries. He pressed his body firmly behind Elder Land, able to look down over the full length of his height as he toyed with him. Slowly, he poked and prodded every delicate part of his chest before his hands fell downward. His long fingers creeped beneath Elder Land's belt buckle, sliding into the boy's garments, grazing past his pubic hair to reach for his penis. The sudden grasp the man had on his shaft was enough to lift it into a full erection. Something about Olsen's quiet dominant energy spoke to him at his core, making him eager for what was to come next. The tall, older man moved his hand back up to the boy's neck, grabbing his head for a second, as if to remind him who was in charge. His fingers relaxed and moved to his tie, unknotting it to remove it from his shirt. His hands moved gracefully downward, buttoning his shirt and releasing his belt. It was a mere seconds for Elder Land to be stripped down his garments. Olsen then moved the boy around to have him facing him, giving his hands a place to rest on his ample, bubble butt. The masked president placed his fingers under the boy's waistband, lowering them a couple inches. just enough for him to grab them with his hands and squeeze them tightly. Elder Land got the sense that he was being appraised. Top to bottom, this man was taking stock of his entire body, feeling him and evaluating him. The man's hands soon moved to the center of his butt, running along the delicate surface of his hole. It was smooth and soft, and pleasing to President Olsen's touch. After a thorough exploration of the curves and contours of his ass, President Olsen gestured to the red table and and prompted the boy to sit up on it. Elder Land did as he was told, propping himself up as if he was a patient on an exam table. President Olsen removed his garment shorts, leaving him completely naked with nothing to hide his arousal. His hands moved up and down his legs, admiring their shape and strength. It was clear Elder Land was an accomplished athlete and strong. He smiled to himself. This boy would suit him just fine. Once he'd taken stock of the boy's lower half, looked off into the dark and gestured for someone to come closer. Elder Land looked in that direction, trying to see who it was. He was surprised (and also delighted) to see that President Faust had been sitting there in the dark, hidden in the shadows, watching on. Elder Land was pleasantly surprised to see the handsome bearded man step into the candlelight. He loved him dearly and his presence made everything better. even hotter. Rolling up his sleeves, President Faust moved around the table to the opposite of President Olsen. With each man surrounding him, Elder Land wondered what was next, desperate for them to keep going. President Olsen laid the excited boy down on the table, having him rest his back on the dark leather with his legs spread open. The boy's genitals were on dull display for the masked man, giving him a full look at his submissive servant. President Faust took a bottle of oil and massaged it into Elder Land's chest, feeling his muscles move beneath the pressure of his fingers, letting them linger just long enough to feel the boy's heart beating faster. President Olsen, too, took a handful of oil and pressed it into the boy's warm, sensitive flesh. Ever touch made his cock harder and his balls fuller. Olsen even rubbed his loins, letting the warm oil drip between his testicles and down onto his hole. It felt good being rubbed down, but he knew this was not merely a massage. Everything about this ceremony suggested he was being prepared. But for what? Read less
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