[KS]Best of the best from Vintage porn films(40's-90's)


New member
Cosima Entertainment 2062 - Pusta Report

Year production: 1990

Country: Germany

Studio: Isabella Nitsche / Profima

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

File Name : Cosima Entertainment 2062 - Pusta Report
Runtime : 1h 17min
File Size : 1.33 GB
Resolution : 696x570
Format: mp4




New member
Heisse Zungen

Year production: 1980

Country: Germany

Studio: Relax Video

Produser: Claude Pierson

Cast: Brigitte Verbecq,Cathy Stewart,Nadine Roussial,Sophie Guers ,Rita/Florence Levasseur,
Dominique Irissou,Jacques Gateau,G�rard Gr�gory,Hubert G�ral,�tienne Jaumillot

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Veraltete guten deutschen Porno

File Name : Heisse Zungen
Runtime : 1h 26min
File Size : 831 MB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4




New member
Im Fieber der Lust

Year production: 1980

Country: Italy / France / Germany / Spain

Produser: Alexandre Borsky (i.e. Claudio Bernabei and Joe d'Amato)

Cast: Giovanna Chemeri non-sex
Laura Levi plays Laura
Monica Nickel plays Monica
Sandy Samuel
Sonia Bennett
Mark Shannon

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

File Name : Im Fieber der Lust
Runtime : 1h 19min
File Size : 790 MB
Resolution : 704x576
Format: mp4




New member
Labbra vogliose

Year production: 1981

Country: Italy

Studio: M.A.D. Film

Produser: Joe d'Amato and Claudio Bernabei as Alexandre Borsky

Cast: Francoise Perrot, Guia Lauri Filzi, Laura Levi, Mark Shannon, Paolo Gramignano.

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: While older sister Julie left with George on a honeymoon cruise, she
herself remains at her boarding school. There she has sex with the teacher and gardener
Chris, after which Julie was sent home by the headmaster of the school. Meanwhile, her
sister returned from the journey, and Julie meets George and his secretary Deborah.
Julie secretly watches her sister and George having sex at night. The next night she
masturbates, listening to them. Julie deceives Deborah, lies with her on the bed, and
then weaves against her intrigues, which finally lead to her dismissal. Then she has
sex with strangers ... first with a guy named Robert in the car. Later, she makes
blowjobs to three forwarders in a row. One night George, his wife, and Deborah appear
at a sexual party, on which was Julie. All are in masks. There, they meet Robert and
Chris, and at this time a dark-skinned lady begins to dance and glows the atmosphere.
The orgy begins. Later, after her sister went to work, Julie confesses to George in love,
but her sister suddenly returns, and something terrible must happen.

File Name : Labbra vogliose
Runtime : 1h 19min
File Size : 700 MB
Resolution : 672x400
Format: mp4




New member
Le Ereditiere Super Porno

Year production: 1981

Country: Italy / France / Germany

Studio: Magic Video / Cinema 80

Produser: Joe D'Amato (as Alexandre Borsky) / Claudio Bernabei

Cast: Laura Levi, Pauline Teutscher, Sandy Samuel, Sonia Bennett

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: It: Come nell'erotico, anche nel porno lo sfruttamento intensivo delle
parentele � una costante. Zie e cuginette imperversano, forse anche perch� portatrici
di una valenza incestuosa pur senza incarnare direttamente il tab�.

Un esempio al proposito � costituito da Le ereditiere superporno (1981) di Alexander
Borsky, ovvero Aristide Massaccesi, con un cast che ritroviamo con frequenza nelle prime
produzioni: Mark Shannon, Pauline Teutscher, Sonia Bennet, Sandy Samuel. Qui il vecchio
James Taylor, che vive nella sua villa con il nipote Benjamin, ormai morente, fa convocare
i tre figli e le rispettive mogli per metterli al corrente dei suoi voleri
testamentari: l'eredit� andr� al nipote, ma essendo questi minorenne verr� nominato un
tutore, scelto dal ragazzo fra i tre figli del vecchio, al quale andr� un ricco
appannaggio. Ci� scatener� l'avidit� dei tre fratelli, che pur di mettere le mani sul
denaro non esiteranno a dare generosamente in pasto all'erede le loro mogli. Salvo scoprire
poi che l'unica cosa che il vecchio Taylor possiede in abbondanza sono i debiti.

Una trama alquanto simile (il porno non solo copia il cinema normale, ma ricicla anche
se stesso) a quella di Sesso allo specchio (1981) di Lucky Faar Delly, al secolo Luciano
Fardelli. In questo caso il film si apre con l'arrivo dell'esecutore testamentario nella
casa dove vivono due sorelle, una delle quali con la figlia, e il loro giovane nipote
Giuliano (l'attore Giuliano Rosati). Anche in questo caso l'eredit� � destinata al nipote e
anche stavolta egli dovr� scegliersi una tutrice. La variante sta nell'happy end: Giuliano
non riesce a operare una scelta e allora l'esecutore testamentario stabilisce che il giovane
venga assistito da entramble le zie, una delle quali � Marina Fraiese, e dalla cuginetta,
per la gioia di tutti.

En: As in the erotic, even in porn the intensive exploitation of the
kinship is a constant. Aunts and little cousins ??rage, perhaps also because they are bearers
of an incestuous value without incarnating the taboo directly.

An example in this regard is Alexander's heiress superporno (1981)
Borsky, or Aristide Massaccesi, with a cast that we find frequently in the first
productions: Mark Shannon, Pauline Teutscher, Sonia Bennet, Sandy Samuel. Here the old man
James Taylor, who lives in his villa with his now-dying nephew Benjamin, calls
the three children and their wives to inform them of their wishes
testamentari: the inheritance will go to the nephew, but being this minor will be named a
tutor, chosen by the boy among the three sons of the old, to whom a rich man will go
prerogative. This will unleash the greed of the three brothers, who in order to get their hands on
Money will not hesitate to give their wives generously to their heirs. Except to find out
then that the only thing that old Taylor has in abundance is debts.

A somewhat similar plot (porn not only copies normal cinema, but also recycles
himself) to that of Sex at the Mirror (1981) by Lucky Faar Delly, born Luciano
Fardelli. In this case the film opens with the arrival of the testamentary executor in the
home where two sisters live, one with their daughter, and their young nephew
Giuliano (the actor Giuliano Rosati). Also in this case the inheritance is destined to the nephew e
also this time he will have to choose a guardian. The variant is in the happy end: Giuliano
he can not make a choice and then the executor of the testament establishes that the young man
be assisted by both aunts, one of which is Marina Fraiese, and the little cousin,
for the joy of everyone.

File Name : Le Ereditiere Super Porno
Runtime : 1h 36min
File Size : 1.09 GB
Resolution : 672x384
Format: mp4




New member
Natural Born Thrillers

Year production: 1995

Country: USA

Studio: Coast to Coast

Produser: Stuart Canterbury

Cast: Barbara Doll, Amber Woods, Melissa Hill, Tess Newheart, Rebecca Wilde,
Sindee Coxx, Kyle Stone, Tom Byron, Mike Horner

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: She's a caution! In Natural Born Thrillers, two sex maniacs captivate
the media as they cross the country in a blazing trail of lust. Starring Melissa Hill,
Rebecca Wild, Tess Newheart, Sindee Coxx, Amber Woods, Barbara Doll, Mike Horner,
Tom Byron, Don Fernando, Kyle Stone.

File Name : Natural Born Thrillers
Runtime : 1h 20min
File Size : 898 MB
Resolution : 720x480
Format: mp4




New member
Plato's The Movie

Year production: 1980

Country: USA

Studio: Essex Video / Wild Side

Produser: Joe Sherman

Cast: Ashley Welles, Becky Savage, Jane Lindsay, Lisa De Leeuw,
Maria Tortuga, Nicole Scent, Rachael Livingston, Renee LaPaz, Seka,
Tawny Pearl, Tiffany Clark, Bill Margold, Erich Lange, Greg Michaels,
Jack Shute, John Boland, Ken Yontz, Mike Ranger, R.J. Reynolds,
Randy West, John Stagliano

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Digitally Restored French Edition From Wild Side Films. Part of their
"L'�ge d'Or du X Am�ricain" collection. English & French Languages. French Optional
Subs For Feature. English Optional Subs For Featurette: Seka & Bill Margold: Sex
Without Retreat (27 mins) Le Sexe Sur un Plato's
Interesting interviews with the porn actor and historian on the golden age of Californian
porn and the actress about their debut on camera, their motivations, New York's famous
Plato's Retreat club and the film in general. Illustrated by excerpts from the film.

File Name : Plato's The Movie
Runtime : 1h 6min
File Size : 1.20 GB
Resolution : 720x576
Format: mp4




New member
Suce et tais-toi

Year production: 1986

Country: France

Produser: J. F. Davy

Cast: Cathy Stewart
Claude Janna
Claudine Beccarie
Diane Dubois
Edwige Faillel
Elisabeth Bur�
Jane Baker
Jenny Feeling
Karine Gambier
Laura Clair
Liliane Lemieuvre
Marie-Christine Chireix
Nadine Roussial
Nicole Segaud
Sophie Guers

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Compilation of scenes mostly from J. F. Davy movies

File Name : Suce et tais-toi
Runtime : 1h 2min
File Size : 596 MB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4




New member
The Erotic Dreams of a Lady

Year production: 1982

Country: Italy | France

Studio: Eurocine

Produser: Andrea Bianchi and Olivier Mathot (as Claude Plaut, credited in French release only)

Cast: : Helene Shirley ... (as Nicole Segaund)
Lise Pinson
Pauline Teutscher
Alban Ceray ... Le mari de Barbara (as Alban Seggiaro)
Olivier Mathot ... Le commissaire (as Olivier Matho)
Louis Tripodi

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

File Name : The Erotic Dreams of a Lady
Runtime : 1h 13min
File Size : 1.29 GB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4




New member
The Modeling Studio

Year production: 1984

Country: USA

Studio: VCX / Collector's Video

Produser: Michael Cates

Cast: Erica Boyer, Ginger Lynn, Laura Lee, Roxanne Rollan, Heather Wayne, Greg Rome,
Marc Wallice, Steve Drake, Steve Powers, Tom Byron

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Ginger Lynn turns in one of her best early performances in this scorching
look at models, massage parlors and the gals who make them both sizzle. Ginger plays the
owner of an outcall massage service, setting up sexy young babes with well-paying clients
for some one-on-one fun. She spends her off-hours at home with roommates Tom Byron and
Greg Rome, a couple of out of work male strippers. Of course, Tom only has eyes for her,
while Greg's got the hots for wannabe model Roxanne Rolland. In the end, they all decide
to try and become models -- only to find that modeling's every bit as sex-drenched as
massage ever was! Filled with gorgeous performers and white-hot sex, this is a 80s porn
at its bawdy best!

File Name : The Modeling Studio
Runtime : 1h 20min
File Size : 944 MB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4




New member
Un Bon Client

Year production: 1981

Country: France

Studio: Video Marc Dorcel

Produser: Video Marc Dorcel

Cast: Alban Ceray,Eric Dray.Cathy Stewart.Nicole Segaud,Patricia Santos

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

File Name : Un Bon Client
Runtime : 57min 13s
File Size : 690 MB
Resolution : 512x384
Format: mp4




New member
Rockey X - The Final Round

Year production: 1988

Country: USA

Studio: Penguin Productions

Produser: Buck Adams

Cast: Jerry Buttler, Buck Adams, Amber Lynn, Charlie St. Cyre, Jeanette Littledove, Kristy Leigh, Ron Jeremy, Steve Austin

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Rockey Laguna is a man with a mission. and everthing to gain. Drax Spago has
nothing to lose... except his championship title.

File Name : Rockey X - The Final Round
Runtime : 01:25:20
File Size : 1.64 GB
Resolution : 576x480 (4:3),2 355 kb/s,25.000 FPS,PAL
Format: MPEG

Rockey X - The Final Round.part1.rar
Rockey X - The Final Round.part2.rar
Rockey X - The Final Round.part3.rar



New member
Diamond Collection 8

Year production: 1980

Studio: Cinderella

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: When women didn't shave their pussies and men had major league
dongs! From the days of yesteryear when porn first began, and house wives seeking
a thrill flocked to the Valley to be in movies. These chosen few were the first
true "no experience necessary" porn newbies.

File Name : Diamond Collection 8
Runtime : 01:51:41
File Size : 2.12 GB
Resolution : MPEG4 Video (H264) 720x540 30fps 2641kbps
Format: mp4

Diamond Collection 8.part1.rar
Diamond Collection 8.part2.rar
Diamond Collection 8.part3.rar



New member
Heidi 3 - In Der Heidi Ist Es Doch Am Schonsten

Year production: 1992

Country: Germany

Studio: Herzog / Marc Dorcel

Produser: Gunter Otto

Cast: Scene Breakdowns:
Scene 1. Bernadette, Sven
Scene 2. Sandra Nova, Selva Luca, Bernadette, Rolf Ernser
Scene 3. Danny Wiedemann, Unknown Male 214880-B
Scene 4. Amanda Shear, Christine Fischer, Sandra Nova, Ralf Tannenreuther, Unknown Male 229607-F
Scene 5. Amanda Shear, Rolf Ernser
Scene 6. Bernadette, Sven
Scene 7. Unknown Female 316498-A, Willi Montana
Scene 8. Michelle, Roland Konig
Scene 9. Effie Balconi, Frank Prange

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Karl, Vera�s boyfriend, sends our beloved Heidi to walk the streets.
And it seems as if Heidi has a lot of fun with that.
But very soon her grandfather and the "goat-Willy" are on their way to Munich to save
Heidi from the sink of iniquity. But what the two guys find out at the Sennemann�s mansion,
even goes over their imagination. Each person fucks with each other and in front of all
that: aunt Grete. Without further ado Heidi gets saved and as she is back on her alps,
she starts to fuck on and on again with a smile on her face.

File Name : Heidi 3 - In Der Heidi Ist Es Doch Am Schonsten
Runtime : 1h 19min
File Size : 1.49 GB
Resolution : 684x524
Format: mp4




New member
Honey Buns - Impulse Pictures

Year production: 1973

Country: USA

Studio: I.A.M. Cinema / Impulse Pictures

Produser: James Chiara

Cast: Becky Sharpe, Harvey Whipsnake, John Barnum, John Seeman, Kathy Hilton,
Matt Hewitt, Starlyn Simone, Rene Bond, Sandi Carey, Uschi Digart

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Poor Harry! He�s a clumsy, bumbling sad sack who works at the �Internally
Yours� feminine hygiene company. Destined to remain eternally alone, Harry meets �The
Magician�, a man who knows what Harry wants and gives him a red pill that will make all
his dreams come true. Soon, Harry is making beautiful women appear and do his bidding,
but there�s a catch! Just as soon as he gets aroused, the women vanish! Will Harry ever
learn the secret to keeping these fantastic ladies in his life, or will he forever remain
a limp chump? Hot adult film starlets Ushi Digard and Rene Bond appear in this crazy
fantasy-themed erotic feature.

Also Known As:
Heads Or Tails

File Name : Honey Buns - Impulse Pictures
Runtime : 1h 14min
File Size : 1.30 GB
Resolution : 704x480
Format: mp4




New member
Backdoor Blacks 3

Year production: 1988

Country: USA

Studio: Wet video

Cast: Sahara (Anal)
Viper (Anal)
Jeannie Pepper (Anal)
Angel Kelly
Brittany Stryker (DP)
Sade (Anal)
Marc Wallice
Robbie Dee
Frank James
F. M. Bradley
Ron Jeremy

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Several of these loops are no doubt posted at various places in the forums,
but here they are in one place. Decent quality for an ex-rental VHS rip.

1: Sahara, Marc Wallice, Guy
2: Viper, Robbie Dee
3: Sade, Frank James
4: Brittany Stryker, F. M. Bradley, Robbie Dee
5: Jeannie Pepper, Angel Kelly, Ron Jeremy

File Name : Backdoor Blacks 3
Runtime : 49min 48s
File Size : 715 MB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4




New member
Battle Of Superstars Angel Kelly Vs Jeannie Pepper

Country: USA

Studio: Caballero Classics

Cast: Angel Kelly, Jeannie Pepper...

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Who's the hottest, most erotic sex stars in porn now you'll find out.
You will be the judge, you'll decide! The most famous porn stars compete in one on
one competitions, performing the sex acts that made them famous, made them notorious
blow jobs, anal fucking, gang bangs, they do them all competing for your vote!

File Name : Battle Of Superstars Angel Kelly Vs. Jeannie Pepper
Runtime : 1h 31min
File Size : 1.23 GB
Resolution : 720x480
Format: mp4




New member
Big Tit Superstars Of The 80s - Jeannie Pepper

Year production: 1985

Country: USA

Studio: ABA

Cast: Jeannie Pepper, Billy Dee, Peter North, Randy West, Ron Jeremy...

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: If you think there weren't any memorable black female porn stars in the 80's,
it's just because you haven't looked hard enough. Jeanne Pepper was just the ebony
enchantress to spice up many an otherwise whitewashed production, and often-times the
highpoint. She had smooth chocolate skin, an anti-gravity ass, and big dark nipples floating
in a sea of overstuffed titty.

File Name : Big Tit Superstars Of The 80s - Jeannie Pepper
Runtime : 1h 58min
File Size : 1.86 GB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4




New member
Black Baby Dolls

Year production: 1985

Country: USA

Studio: VCA

Produser: Mark Rigney

Cast: Jeannie Pepper, Lady Stephanie, Sahara, Billy Dee, F.M. Bradley, Jonathon Younger

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: When Monica�s girlfriend, Renata, arrives for a friendly overdue visit,
the two friends lock lips and legs while catching up on old times. Some unexpected but
well-connected guests then join in the carnal collisions. It�s an all-black house
party�and you�re invited! Bring your own tissues!

File Name : Black Baby Dolls
Runtime : 1h 23min
File Size : 828 MB
Resolution : 352x240
Format: mp4




New member
Blow Off

Year production: 1987

Country: USA

Studio: Caballero Home Video

Produser: Peter Moss

Cast: Actresses:
Lynn Ray (as Cindy Sitich) [Facial]
Danica Rhea (as Deneca Blank) [BJOnly]
Ginger Lynn [LezOnly]
Lisa De Leeuw (as Lisa DeLeeuw) [Facial]
Rosemarie (as Ruby Belnap) [Anal]
David Cannon (as Dale Dundee)
Eric Edwards
Craig Roberts (as Gerry Randolph)
Hershel Savage (as Herschel Savage)
Ron Jeremy
NonSex Performers:
John Ogden

Genre: Small tits, Brunettes, Shaved, Cum swapping, Creampie,
Blowjob, Deepthroat, Cumshot, Hardcore, Oral, Facial, Swallow, Compilation,
All Sex, Masturbation, Lesbians, Sex Toys, Anal play, Threesome,
Pussy Licking, Pussy And Ass Worship, Facesitting, Lick, Anilingus, Rimming,
Bubble Butt, Big ASS & Butt, fisting, double penetration,
Busty, Big Tits, Milf, Mature, Blowjob, Handjob, Classic, Vintage

Description: Politics has always been down and dirty. But luscious Lisa DeLeeuw takes
Washington to delicious new depths of unfathomable depravity in Blow Off. Hired by a
conniving politico (Eric Edwards), Detective Nick King (Herschel Savage) follows Lisa
down the corridors of power and gets an erotic eyeful of her sexual conquests. From a
hot encounter with satyrish Senator (Ron Jeremy), to satisfying the needs of a wanton
Washington wife (Ginger Lynn), Lisa sure knows her business. Plus, there's lots more
going on in this sensuous game of sexual skullduggery, proving where there's smoke,
there's fire - especially when Lisa meets the powerful and passionate.

Scene Breakdowns:

Scene 1. Rosemarie, Hershel Savage
Scene 2. Lisa De Leeuw, Ron Jeremy
Scene 3. Danica Rhea, Lisa De Leeuw, David Cannon
Scene 4. Ginger Lynn, Lisa De Leeuw
Scene 5. Lisa De Leeuw, Hershel Savage
Scene 6. Lynn Ray, Craig Roberts
Scene 7. Lisa De Leeuw, Eric Edwards

File Name : Blow Off
Runtime : 1h 22min
File Size : 983 MB
Resolution : 640x480
Format: mp4


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