Title: Ariel Anderssen Lucy Lauren Zoe Page Shibarbie Master (4K MP4)
Description: Ariel writes:
I've been rigging for over 10 years, mostly for Restrained Elegance, and by and large I'm fairly happy with how my skills have progressed over that time. However, there's been something that's eluded me; I really struggle to tie inescapably. Part of that is a rope issue - we mostly tie with nylon, which looks beautiful but which is very slippery - it's hard to make knots hold. But a lot of it is me; I get focussed on making it beautiful, and safe, and comfortable, and inescapability comes a distance fourth to those things. When I'm not working for Restrained Elegance, though, I'm normally travelling the world working for other producers. And some of them tie very differently from me. Sometimes, I absolutely can't even begin to escape. Every time I work with one of those riggers, I tell myself to pay attention and learn some of their technique. And every times I get overwhelmed by the sensations of being tied up, and forget.
But from looking at the work afterwards, I have managed to learn some stuff, and since Zoe and Lucy are tough bondage models with plenty of experience, I didn't feel too bad about experimenting on them. I was the Shibarbie Master, skilled at tying other ladies up inescapably! They definitely wouldn't be able to escape! Well, almost definitely. Nearly. Not within a strict time-limit, anyway! I explained the rules to them, and desperately hoped my bondage would hold!
Format: MP4
Duration: 13 Min
Size: 936 Mb
Resolution: 3840x2160
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Description: Ariel writes:
I've been rigging for over 10 years, mostly for Restrained Elegance, and by and large I'm fairly happy with how my skills have progressed over that time. However, there's been something that's eluded me; I really struggle to tie inescapably. Part of that is a rope issue - we mostly tie with nylon, which looks beautiful but which is very slippery - it's hard to make knots hold. But a lot of it is me; I get focussed on making it beautiful, and safe, and comfortable, and inescapability comes a distance fourth to those things. When I'm not working for Restrained Elegance, though, I'm normally travelling the world working for other producers. And some of them tie very differently from me. Sometimes, I absolutely can't even begin to escape. Every time I work with one of those riggers, I tell myself to pay attention and learn some of their technique. And every times I get overwhelmed by the sensations of being tied up, and forget.
But from looking at the work afterwards, I have managed to learn some stuff, and since Zoe and Lucy are tough bondage models with plenty of experience, I didn't feel too bad about experimenting on them. I was the Shibarbie Master, skilled at tying other ladies up inescapably! They definitely wouldn't be able to escape! Well, almost definitely. Nearly. Not within a strict time-limit, anyway! I explained the rules to them, and desperately hoped my bondage would hold!
Format: MP4
Duration: 13 Min
Size: 936 Mb
Resolution: 3840x2160
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