Vintage HARDCORE Full Movie Archives


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Borboletas e Garanhoes / Butterflies and Stallions (1985)

Titles: Borboletas e Garanhoes / Butterflies and Stallions
Year: 1985
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 01;10;48
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Sandra Midori, Wagner Maciel, Debora Muniz, Sergio Buck, Neide Casagrande, Eliseu Faria, Iara Galli, Domenica Priscila, Floriza Ross

Lauro, futuro advogado pertencente a classe media, esta prestes a se casar com Leonora, milionaria presidente de uma industria. Caprichosa, habituada a mandar, ela, na realidade, o encara mais como objeto de realizacao sexual do que como futuro amado marido. Alguns dias antes do casamento, Lauro sente-se inseguro, confuso. E a situacao se complica, depois que conhece, casualmente, numa rua do bairro da Liberdade, em Sao Paulo, a jovem Yoko. Alegre e sensual, com suas observacoes, ela lhe causa forte impressao. E posteriormente ambos percebem a forte comunicacao que existe entre eles. Lauro acaba por se apaixonar por ela, mantendo um romance paralelo. Sua despedida de solteiro transforma-se em orgia com a presenca de travestis. Apos varias crises existenciais, quando quase poe seu romance com Leonora a perder, casa-se.

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x472, 1207 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 673 MB

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Turbilhao dos Prazeres / Whirl of Pleasures (1987)

Titles: Turbilhao dos Prazeres / Whirl of Pleasures
Year: 1987
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 00;58;48
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Bentinho (as Jobero)
Cast: Oswaldo Cirillo, Solange Dumont, Marcia Ferro, Rosari Graziosi, Karina Miranda

A female angel falls on earth to help people with sexual frustration...

Video: VHSRip, AVI, 512x384, 1585 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 124 kb/s
Size: 666 MB

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Luxure / Everybodys / Sweet Taste of Honey (1976)

Titles: Luxure / Everybodys / Sweet Taste of Honey
Year: 1976
Categories: Classic, All Sex, Drama
Duration: 01;22;07
Countries: France
Languages: English (dubbed)
Directors: Max Pecas
Cast: Karine Gambier, Richard Darbois, Pierre Danny

Laure is heartbroken after her husband leaves her for another women. She checks into the resort hotel where they spent many happy moments, in order to kill herself. Her plans change after she overhears the lovemaking of a honeymoon couple in the next room, and her fantasies rekindle her passion.

Video: DVDRip, AVI, 576x432, 1241 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 811 MB

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Lost and Found (1991)

Titles: Lost and Found
Year: 1991
Categories: Feature
Duration: 01;17;28
Countries: Germany
Languages: German
Directors: Dino
Cast: Alicia (as Gabrielle), Debora Coeur (as Djamilla), France Gall, Tika Bisso (as Malinka), Jean-Pierre Armand, Richard Langin, Roberto Malone

Sonja, Dela and Rick are broke; and on vacation! Now they have to provide whole-body treatments to earn the money for the trip back together. Rick massages a mature lady who then wants to be fucked. Sonja and Dela call a rich neighbor who pays them to undertake fisting, anal and other cum-tastic treatments. Now all three have enough money for the trip home and still plenty of great vacation memories...

Video: VHSRip, WMV, 640x480, 1477 kb/s
Audio: WMA, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 921 MB

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Sexo em Festa / Sex in Bloom (1986)

Titles: Sexo em Festa / Sex in Bloom
Year: 1986
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 01;02;00
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Sandra Morelli, Eilas Breda, Solange Dumont

Lucia e uma de familia rica, presents a ficar noiva de Helio. Mas ela nao consegue satisfazer sexualmente com ele devido a cartos acontecimentos ocorridos no passado na casa de campo de sua familia...

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 704x480, 1205 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 590 MB

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Sexo dos Anormais (1984)

Titles: Sexo dos Anormais
Year: 1984
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 01;20;26
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Claudia Wonder, Eliseu Faria, Ivete Bonfa, Luiz Carlos Braga, Paula Sanches, Sandra Midori

Numa casa de campo, o psiquiatra Daniel, sempre auxiliado por sua mulher Cleide e pelo atendente Roberto, passa a tratar de duas novas pacientes, Miriam e Jessica, moças com algum problema sexual. Comecam os problemas quando o Dr. Daniel descobre que Jessica e, na verdade, um travesti. Jessica conta entao sua historia, quando, ainda um rapaz homossexual, chega a Sao Paulo vindo do interior, vindo a prostituir-se para sobreviver. Ao final, elas conseguem se recuperar e reatam com seus respectivos namorados, e a vida da clinica volta ao normal, a espera de novos clientes.

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x480, 1204 Kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 765 MB

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Dolly Buster's Online Story (1991)

Titles: Dolly Buster's Online Story
Year: 1991
Categories: Feature, Classic, All sex
Duration: 01;12;40
Countries: Germany
Languages: German
Directors: Dino
Cast: Dolly Buster, Lissy Lou (as Renate Regnier), Sandra Cunt, Harry Killer (as James Buster or Ronnie Evans), Willi Montana

Dolly Buster happily chats about life on the phone to her friend. And there is much to tell. She chats about her new boyfriend and fucks with him, their holiday with his girlfriend in the mountains and their Lesbian games and their solo sessions .... Dolly Buster has her own way of making calls and is always on the hotline for you ....

Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x480, 1100 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 639 MB

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Home Buisness (1990)

Titles: Home Buisness
Year: 1990
Categories: Classic All Sex
Duration: 01;14;44
Countries: Germany
Languages: German
Directors: Dino
Cast: Francoise Nu, Murielle, Jennifer, Helene Chevalier, Canelle, Yves Baillat, Jean-Pierre Armand

Ein Großbauprojekt zur Unterschrift fertig, soll endlich vom Auftraggeber unterzeichnet werden. Der Baulowe ist gut vorbereitet, seine Frau und das Dienstmadchen sind zum vollen Einsatz für die Unterschrift bereit, und zur Sicherheit sind auch noch zwei Nichten eingeladen. Die aber lassen lieber auf ihrem Zimmer den lesbischen Neigungen mit Dildo und Faust freien Lauf, bis der Hausherr im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes dazustoßt. Derweil sind das Hausmadchen und die Hausfrau im Nahkampf um die Unterschrift tatig, die beim Analverkehr dann endlich geleistert wird. Der Hausherr, zuruck von den Nichten, ist uberglucklich von dem erfolgreichen Einsatz seiner Frau und der dunkelhautigen Hausperle zu horen.

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 512x384, 1050 Kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 657 MB

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Private Film: Money for Nothing, Sex for Free (1994)

Titles: Private Film: Money for Nothing, Sex for Free
Year: 1994
Categories: Hardcore, All Sex
Duration: 01;35;59
Countries: Spain
Languages (2 audio tracks): 1. English | 2. Russian (VO)
Directors: Steve Perry
Cast: Mike Foster, Frank Gun, Stephanie Hart-Rogers

A beautiful bride and her gallant husband enter by mistake into the den of an important drug baron, when they are actually looking for the nuptial suite. The girl suddenly finds herself in the middle of a transaction. This is never a place you want to find yourself! The new bride then finds herself being fucked, but not by her husband! And as if that wasn't bad enough, she finds that she likes it!

Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x480, 1202 kb/s
Audio (2 audio tracks): 1. ENG. (AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s) | 2. RUS. (AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 1,00 GB

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O kyrios kathigitis / The Mr Professor (1982)

Titles: O kyrios kathigitis / The Mr Professor
Year: 1982
Categories: Classic, All Sex
Duration: 01;13;30
Countries: Greece
Languages: Greek
Directors: Stratos Markidis (as Thanasis Mihailidis)
Cast: Telis Stallone, Monika Dimitriou, Dorothy Evans

Nikiforos is an English teacher who also likes having sex with his female students.

Video: VHSRip, AVI, 640x480, 1334 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 772 MB

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Abre as Pernas, Coracao (1985)

Titles: Abre as Pernas, Coracao
Year: 1985
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 01;12;06
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Mario Vaz Filho
Cast: Luciana Dantas, Rosari Graziosi, Ruy Leal, Debora Muniz, Mario Lucio

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 624x480, 1103 Kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 634 MB

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Kobenhavner Sex 1 (1969)

Titles: Kobenhavner Sex 1
Year: 1969
Categories: Classic, Group sex
Duration: 00;55;27
Countries: Denmark
Languages: Musical accompaniment
Directors: Lasse Braun

A selection of the best porn from Denmark.

Video: VHSRip, MP4, AVC, H.264, 640x480, 1755 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 82 kb/s
Size: 730 MB

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Oi erastes tou Aigaiou / Aegean Lovers (1983)

Titles: Oi erastes tou Aigaiou / Aegean Lovers
Year: 1983
Categories: Classic, All sex
Duration: 01;20;05
Countries: Greece
Languages: Greek
Directors: Stratos Markidis (as Thanasis Mihailidis)
Cast: Joanna, Notis Pitsilos, Katerina Spathi

Stavros owns a disco located at a Greek island but he seems to have a nasty habbit: He likes watching his employees when having sex with beautiful women. He even has a party to celebrate his 40 years in peeping!

Video: DVDRip, AVI, 432x320, 1074 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 137 kb/s
Size: 701 MB

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Sexo em Grupo (1984)

Titles: Sexo em Grupo
Street Date: 1984
Categories: Feature, Classic, Group Sex
Duration: 01;30;07
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Ivete Bonfa, Elaine Botelho, Anita Calabrez

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x450, 1205 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 857 MB

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Variacoes do Sexo Explicito (1984)

Titles: Variacoes do Sexo Explicito
Street Date: 1984
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 01;24;35
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Danubia Alcantara, Angelica Belmont, Ivete Bonfa

Video: VHSRip, AVI, 640x480, 1214 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 192 kb/s
Size: 734 MB

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Erotic Tales (1989)

Titles: Erotic Tales
Street Date: 1989
Categories: Classic, Hardcore, All Sex
Duration: 01;05;52
Countries: USA
Languages: English
Directors: Barry Spellman
Cast: April West, Darla Rascal, Elise, Samantha Strong, Vanity

Five seemingly unconnected hardcore vignettes. Action includes blowjob, missionary, cowgirl and doggy.

Video: DVDRip, AVI, 608x464, 1639 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 835 MB

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Anomaloi erotes sti Santorini / Beach Girls (1983)

Titles: Anomaloi erotes sti Santorini / Beach Girls
Street Date: 1983
Categories: Classic, All Sex
Duration: 01;02;17
Countries: Greece
Languages: Greek
Directors: Stratos Markidis (as Thanassis Mikhailidis)
Cast: Joanna, Maria Dimitriou, Takis Lados, Ajita Wilson, Herbert Hofer, Katerina Spathi, Notis Pitsilos

Aliki and Alexis, a very sexually active couple, are spending their summer vacation in the magnificent island of Santorini. With the consent of his wife, Alexis, an artist (a painter), often has brief affairs with his naked female models. His new summer models include exotic girl Ajita and Monica, a sexy blonde who is visiting Santorini along with her friend Dimitris. Alexis is immediately attracted to Monica and has sex with her, whereas Aliki proves to be even more active, fucking with Dimitris, but also occasionally with local guys. Even if the jealousy starts to eat away at her, inciting her to try and keep Monica away from both guys (her husband and her lover!), the erotic heat between the two couples proves to be irresistible. The sexual couplings on the island are spiced up by the sporadic interventions of the local incurable Peeping-Tom, Mitsos, who usually ends up in the water! Mitsos blackmails Dimitris, insisting on recovering the money lent to him in the past, on the occasion of his previous sex visits on the island. Monica proposes to give Dimitris the initial sum, but Mitsos demands the interest as well, suggesting, however, that he is willing to get paid “in kind”, were Dimitris to convince Aliki to have sex with him. Aliki agrees to this deal and is eventually presented to Mitsos as some kind of birthday cake, covered up with whipped cream! Mitsos licks her all over, but is soon confined to his voyeuristic habits, as a big orgy takes place between the two couples in the presence of Ajita and her two lovers.

Video: VHSRip, AVI, 640x480, 1669 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 803 MB

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Sexo Doido / Sex Crazy (1986)

Titles: Sexo Doido / Sex Crazy
Street Date: 1986
Categories: Feature, Classic
Duration: 01;04;17
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Michelle Darc, Max Din, Marcia Ferro, Sandra Morelli

A voyeuristic woman ties a guy up and keeps him as her own private sex toy. Another couple discover the guy and the female gets some dong from him while her other-half isn't around. The guy tries to pull some gay-action on him later on, and the bound-guy convinces him to free him from his bonds. Bound-guy then karate-chops the other guy and turns the tables on his captor...

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x464, 1205 Kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 611 MB

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I kyria kai o moutsos / O naftis kai i kyria (1985)

Titles: I kyria kai o moutsos / O naftis kai i kyria
Street Date: 1985
Categories: All sex, Oral, Anal, Lesbian
Duration: 01;20;56
Countries: Greece
Languages: Greek
Directors: Stratos Markidis (as Thanasis Mihailidis)
Cast: Peggy Simou, Telis Stallone, Angela Giannou, Joanna, Pavlos Papadopoulos

Christina visits her cousins at their house located at an exotic Greek island. The film goes on describing her erotic adventures with the chaufer.

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 632x480, 1014 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 654 MB

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Comando Explicito (1986)

Titles: Comando Explicito
Street Date: 1986
Categories: Classic, All Sex
Duration: 01;06;16
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Alfredo Sternheim
Cast: Antonio Rodi, Lia Soul, Rubens Pignatari, Beth Boop, Priscila Presley

Perigoso bandido se apaixona por colegial. Tenta se declarar, mas ela recusa o seu assedio. Para vingar-se, ele convence os colegas de quadrilha a assaltarem o apartamento da familia da moca, com a inmais.

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 512x384, 1000 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 535 MB

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